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Places是什么意思? Places的意思是: 1、n.位置;地点;场所;地方;城镇(或建筑物等);有某用途…




2、v.(小心或有意)放置,安放;使(人)处于某位置;安置;安顿;以某种态度对待(或看待) place的第三人称单数和复数 短语: 1、in public places 在公共场所 2、interesting places 好玩的地方;名胜;胜地

3、places of interest 名胜古迹

4、remote places 偏远地区;遥远的地方


  • Do you know what happened i氦鼎份刮莓钙逢水抚惊n that city?Did you know what happened in that city?

这句话翻译成英文怎么说"因为我非常年轻 所以有时候我会和老师发生争执,并且会说一些非常过分的话

  • Because I was very young So sometimes I and teachers, and some very sharp害埂愤忌莅涣缝惟俯隶 words


  • When the earthquake struck, people ran out of the house.


  • 艰难的事情发生的时候When difficult things happen


  • The accident led to five deaths and one injured.


  • We should always be thankful to those ____ that stand beside us, no matter what happens.
  • persons或people


  • Im going to take control of my肌花冠拘攉饺圭邪氦矛self (what happens to me), and no one wants to control me.


  • 不对,六国论里的,是比不上六个国的意思,不是在六国之后


  • (中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分:我的笔记本在中国是发生了一点故障,键盘的几个按键会在某些时候失灵,电脑在使用中会突然重启,并且风扇的噪音非常的大,同时散热的效果也不好,经过中国thinkpad服务站点的检测,发现笔记本的主板,风扇和键籂亥焚酵莳寂锋檄福漏盘都存在不同程度的问题。不幸的是,那是临近中国的春节,维修站没有这些配件,而我也即将返回悉尼,所以那个时候笔记本没有修理。现在希望能够得到悉尼的维修服务。我的翻译:My thinkpad X220 has some problem when I was in China. Some button on my keyboard would not work sometime, and the computer will suddenly restart when I was using for a long time, and the fan is very noise, while the cooling effect is not good. After I send my laptop to the thinkpad station in China, they give me the result, the mother board, the keyboard and the fans have problem. Unfortunately, it was very close Chinese Spring Festival at that time and they didnt have these components at that moment, in another hand, I need return to Sydney very soon, so the laptop did not fixed when I was in China. Now I apply the Warranty service in Australia.
  • buttonswill 改为often using后加i籂亥焚酵莳寂锋檄福漏tnoise 改为noisy send 改为sentthey gave me a result that the mother board, the keyboard and the fans have problems.close 后加to逗号改句号On another hand; need后加to 删very差不多这样 序号是行数 可能有些放错序号了 自己比对一下

翻译成英语 这类事发生的年代已经一去不返了。

  • 翻译成英语这类事发生的年代已经一去不返了。
  • The time when such things happen is gone

