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对象的简称是什么? 对象的简称就是女朋友,对象,老婆 crush和对象有什么区别? Crush和对象都是描述人…






  • Mom mouthful blowing the spoon, my tears like spring like. My mother saw brim over with tears nervously asked: "where Is it right? Pain?" I shook my head, tears, then how much I want to say to my mother: "thank you, mom, I love you." but the words to his mouth and swallowed it. Im not sensible, let mother worry. I was like a dry creek is you kept me in the irrigation water droplets accumulated and merged into a real stream.Thank you mom, I am a small stars, shine with you, I must go through discipline and hard work, can become the countless stars in one of the most shining star. Your love is a slowly flowing river, I was a river in be light of heart from care happy growth of fish. Many thanks the speech, in front of you seem to be feeble, too many thanks, that would not be enough. You will always be my guide, I have always care about love. The world, there are so many parents, they have for their children are silently make contribution. We as children, Chorus: "tha氦礌份啡莓独逢扫抚激nk you for your continued care, you will always be our root and the prop!"You raise me up, I will Study hard, grow up to serve the motherland, repay your upbringing!


  • 就是


  • 语法书上有如下例子He understands me very much。 very much修饰understands meI quite agree with you。 quite仅仅修饰agree这两个有啥区别,都是加深成程度,为什么一个修饰整个谓语,而另一个偏偏只修饰动词
  • 副词修饰动词放其后形容词修饰名词放其前副词修饰形容词放其前


  • 原因因人而异。个人因素居多。

我是98年的现在初三家里想让我在国内上完高中然后高二去英国。 对象高一 我们想一起走 但是英语都特

  • 我是98年的现在初三家里想让我在国内上完高中然后高二去英国。 对象高一 我们想一起走 但是英语都特别烂 所以打算在三年内提高英语请问应该报什么班或者应该怎样规划这三年才有可能以后可以一起出国!! 我是北京的希望给点建议!
  • 我是北京的 我们班有个男孩也是高二去的新西兰 总体来说呢 确实该去报个英语补习 不如找个出国中介(好点的 多花几千别被骗就行)然后让中介给你指定几个补习地点 因为这几年出国的挺多的 国内的这些补习好多普遍不靠谱 中介为了能挣你钱 肯定给你介绍好的 不然他要退款80%以上的 人家没必要……我2015年去德国 咨询了许多中介 觉得永安里那边的那个金吉列真心还行 一栋楼都是人家的……可见挣了不少 咨询的人也特别多 你可以去看看


  • 三岁正是开发智力的最佳时期,这个阶段可以看小孩平时对什么感兴趣,比如说唱歌 跳舞 画画 啊,如果小孩喜欢的话,都可以试着学习一下,这样长大才不会羡慕别人。


  • In the character of "womans life", the official star is the husband star, which is the address closely connected with the spouse, and the official star can also distinguish the details of a husband and the marriage of an individual. The middle officer star, also known as the seven killing star; According to the eight-character calculation of marriage, seven killing stars represent the lover; It is assumed that the situation of killing disorder by officials is a combination of eight words, which is often very indicative of a messy relationship between a man and a woman and a bad marriage. So what are some of the ways in which baguettes predict the negative effects of clutter on marriage?I. what is "killing messy officials"What is official kill messy? In fact, many people do not understand, the so-called eight character official killing mixed, refers to the eight characters in the heavenly stem, not only through the seven killing star, more out of the zhengguan star, there are a number of seven killed star, has presented a number of zhengguan star, so the eight character bureau of the mies, that is the official killing messy bureau. The effect of marriage on individuals is particularly extreme. As the zhengguan star represents the husband, it once presented the zhengguan star in the eight characters, and also showed seven killing stars, symbolizing an individual in addition to having a husband, but also contrary to the husband, an individual will be surrounded by many different men, and even with the husband outside the husband to look at the angry relationship. In terms of personal livelihood, the government kills the disordered misi in comparison with the romantic and non-monopolistic way. After they get married, they will fall in love with each other and cheat on each other. Just like this, their marriage is not very happy.Of course, also be not actually all official kill messy design is bad actually, below certain strange condition, official bazisuanming.b2b.hc360
  • 这个我也不是很懂


  • 数学还可以是什么程度。。。