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英语口语练习小短文? 在英语学习中,口语练习是非常重要的一部分。以下是一篇小短文,可以帮助你练习英语口语: T…



Title: My Favorite Activity

My favorite activity is reading books. I love the feeling of turning the pages, the crisp sound of the paper, and the excitement of turning the final page. Reading books allows me to escape into different worlds, learn about different cultures, and gain knowledge that I can use in my daily life.

When I was younger, my favorite books were adventure stories. I loved the thrill of the adventure, the courage of the characters, and the happy ending. As I grew older, my interests changed and I started reading books about history, science, and philosophy. These books opened my eyes to new ideas and ways of thinking.

Nowadays, I enjoy reading books that are set in different countries and cultures. It allows me to understand people better and appreciate their ways of life. I also like books that are written in a different language, as it helps me improve my language skills.

In conclusion, reading books is my favorite activity because it allows me to learn, escape, and explore. It’s a window to the world and a constant source of inspiration.





问路 How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场? How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站? Is there a bus stop nearby? 请问附近有没有公车站? How do I get to the metro(subway ) station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站? How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站? Is there a hospital/ chemist’s shop nearby? 请问附近有没有医院/药店? Is there a washingroom nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所? Is there a restaurant/bar/cafe/ nearby? 请问附近有没有餐厅/酒吧/?咖啡店 Is there a telephone nearby? 请问附近有没有电话? Is there a bank nearby? 请问附近有没有银行? Is there a department store nearby? 请问附近有没有百货公司?


购物 Where is the nearest supermarket from here? 最近的超市在哪? Is there a duty-free shop? 这有免税店吗? What time do stores open? 什么时候商店开始营业? Could you show me something in




  • 电影里听到的的、两个单词。第一个好像是d开头、第二单词是go。 粻憨纲窖蕺忌告媳梗颅 中文的翻译是开始或者好戏开始了求这个词组问题补充: 是速度与激情7预告片里有、主角在飞机上行动前说的
  • 什么电影 具体的时间是几分钟?Lets get to work.让我们开始干吧!是get

有没有人了解西唐英文书院,就是长安区上王度假村那个,据说全外教口语培训,靠谱不? 想出国,外语不过

  • 有没有人了解西唐英文书院,就是长安区上王度假村那个,据说全外教口语培训,靠谱不? 想出国,外语不过关,想集中培训一下口语,出国至少能和人交流交流。
  • 学雅思或者托福比这些所谓的培训班要靠谱

英文翻译一下 口语话一点 万分感谢!!

  • 朋友说要结婚了因为不小心有了孩子,朋友说要结婚了因为父母之命,朋友说要结婚了 朋友说要结婚了因为年龄大了,朋友说要结婚了因为前一段感情的伤害,朋友说要结婚了因为对方条件还不错,很多结婚的理由,我仿佛很久没听到他要结婚是因为很爱一个人,想永远和她在一起…..
  • 你这样一下子发了这么长的问题不会有人愿意回答的,建议你分成几个小问题问


  • 儿子6岁,为了帮助孩子融入英语,让英语口语自然地出现在生活中,我也在努力学习一些日常的口语表达,现在我想知道,日常生活吃了了,孩子还在一边玩,我叫孩子过来吃饭 “宝贝,快来,吃饭了”或者“开饭了,快来” 尽量口语化,不要太书面和生硬。请问如何说
  • 音译:洽凡克喽!


  • 发我q q 邮 箱:6 4 9 4 6 4 3 6 0
  • 大概十分钟到十五分钟


  • designated driving


  • eat too much food.


  • 丹麦那边的口语习惯。谢谢了!本人初二,英语还行。
  • 用中文告诉他们,学好中文再来演奏

您好 想要学习口语 哪里可以看带中英文切换字幕的【老友记】

  • 在线 或下载都可以 已去贴吧下了搜狐的字幕 无奈技术渣 不知道怎么弄
  • 5 高等数学之函数的极限运算大题目,跪求大神们附上过程,且很急,请尽量半小时内回复,小生在此拜谢。 0回答 19 秒钟前5 现代字是什么?